
A warm welcome and thank you for your interest in St Joseph's.

Our application process is simple, straightforward and made very convenient through modern technology. We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our inclusive community.

Please watch our latest video to see what makes our outstanding school unique.

During the year we have held both virtual and physical open events. If you would like a tour of the school, please call the office and we would be happy to host you.

Click here to take a virtual tour of our school

Visit our school

Come and see the school in action on Wednesday mornings between 9.30 and 11.00. Contact the office (020 8653 7195) to book a place.

We will also have Open Evenings Dates TBC

How to Apply

  • Nursery Admissions

    To apply for a place in our nursery, please complete our online application form below. You do not need to complete a Local Authority Common Application Form (CAF). We offer a choice of 15-hours (5 mornings, 9am to 12pm) or 30-hours (9am to 3pm) per week provision. 

    Every nursery-age child is entitled to 15-hours for free, regardless of their parent’s working or tax status.

    If you wish to enrol for 30-hours provision, you have several options:

    • If you work and your household income is less than £100,000, you could be eligible for 30-hours free childcare (click here to check your eligibility). If you are eligible you will get an 11-digit code which you must provide to the office to secure your place; or
    • We accept Childcare Vouchers from Edenred (our provider number is P21307942); or
    • If you are studying, you may be eligible for help with your childcare costs (click here for more information). In this case, we accept Childcare Grant Payments (CGPS) and our provider number is CCG5979348 – this covers 85% of the costs and you will have to pay the extra 15%; or
    • You can pay for the additional 15 hours; our Nursery costs a very competitive £20 per afternoon session or £90 per week

    Printed copies of the forms are also available from the school office.

    Click here for the online form for Nursery

    Once you have completed your online application form , please provide proof of the following documents:

    • your child’s date of birth (via a birth certificate or passport);
    • your address (a utility bill, bank statement, or letter from a Government agency from within the last three months); and
    • if applicable, a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.

    Please email documents to: [email protected]

    We will accept clear pdfs or scans or high-quality photographs of these documents. Please make sure you clearly state in the email your name, the name of your child and their date of birth so that it is processed correctly.

    Once you have accepted a place, you will be required to bring in the physical originals for verification during the induction day for new parents and pupils, so please keep these in a safe place.

    If you are unable to complete the form online, as an alternative, printed copies of the forms are available from the school office; you are also welcome to bring your documents with you in person for us to make copies if you prefer.

  • Reception Admissions

    To apply for a place for Reception at St Joseph’s, first, please visit the eAdmissions site to complete the Local Authority Common Application Form (CAF) for the borough in which you live.

    The closing date for applications is 15th January 2024. If you have missed this deadline, you can still apply via the Local Authority. While it will be treated as a late application, if you let them know you would like to come to St Joseph’s and we have places, then we would be pleased to welcome you to our school.
    eAdmissions – User Guide

    The next step is to complete our simple, online supplementary information form below.

    Click here for the online form for Reception

    Once you have completed your supplementary information form (SIF), please provide proof of the following documents:

    • your child’s date of birth (via a birth certificate);
    • if applicable, a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.

    Please email documents to: [email protected]

    We will accept clear pdfs or scans or high-quality photographs of these documents. Please make sure you clearly state in the email your name, the name of your child and their date of birth so that it is processed correctly.

    Once you have accepted a place, you will be required to bring in the physical originals for verification during the induction day for new parents and pupils, so please keep these in a safe place.

    If you are unable to complete the form online, as an alternative, printed copies of the forms are available from the school office; you are also welcome to bring your documents with you in person for us to make copies if you prefer.


  • Junior (Y3) Admissions

    Children wishing to move to Year 3 in our Junior school are required to formally apply for a place at the end of Year 2 in the Infants.

    The process is straightforward and can be done online, but as we have limited places, existing parents are invited to apply as early as possible.

    The first step is to visit the eAdmissions site to complete the common application form (CAF) online for the borough in which you live. The closing date for primary school applications is 15th January 2024. 

    Eadmissions – User Guide

    The next step is to complete our simple online supplementary form below.

    Click here for the online form for Year 3

    As part of the supplementary application, we will require proof of :

    • your child’s date of birth (a birth certificate or passport);
    • your address (utility bill, bank statement, or letter from a Government agency); and
    • if applicable, a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.

    We will accept clear scans or high-quality photographs of these documents via email. Please make sure you clearly state in the email your name, the name of your child and their date of birth so that it is processed correctly.

    Please email documents to : [email protected]

    Once you have accepted a place, you will be required to bring in the physical originals for verification during the induction day for new parents and pupils, so please keep these in a safe place.

    If you are unable to complete the form online, as an alternative, printed copies of the forms are also available from the school office; you are also welcome to bring your documents with you in person for us to make copies if you prefer.

    Click here for the Year 3 admissions section


  • In-year and Ad-hoc Admissions

    Occasional places do arise in our school during the academic year and outside of the traditional entry points of (Reception and Year 3) and entry times (September).

    If you are interested in joining St Joseph’s in this way, we ask that you first call the main office on 020 8653 7195 to check if we have any open places. We also encourage that you arrange a visit to the school to meet with a member of SLT.

    Once we confirm that we have a place available, you must then apply via Croydon LA who has a specific process for in-year and ad-hoc admissions.

    Click here for Croydon LA’s admissions page

    Once you have completed this, the next step is to complete our simple, online supplementary information form below.

    Online application form for in-year and ad-hoc entry

    Once you have completed your supplementary information form (SIF), please provide proof of the following documents:

    • your child’s date of birth (via a birth certificate or passport);
    • your address (a utility bill, bank statement, or letter from a Government agency from within the last three months); and
    • if applicable, a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.

    Please email documents to: [email protected]

    We will accept clear pdfs or scans or high-quality photographs of these documents. Please make sure you clearly state in the email your name, the name of your child and their date of birth so that it is processed correctly.

    Once you have accepted a place, you will be required to bring in the physical originals for verification during the induction day for new parents and pupils, so please keep these in a safe place.